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012 亞塞拜然
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Amazing Facts You Never Knew About Yourself Medical term for belly button is umbilicus. 肚臍的醫學術語是 umbilicus(臍)。 Those who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day drink half a cup of tar a year. 吸一包煙一日的人,1年喝半杯焦油。 Humans are the only animals capable of drawing a straight line. 人類是唯一的動物有能力畫一條直線。 On average, an individual grows over 450 miles of hair in a lifetime. 平均來說,一個人一生生長超過 450哩的頭髮。 When a person smiles, 17 muscles are engaged. 當一個人笑時,有17條肌肉參予。 Human DNA contains 80,000 genes. 人類 DNA包含八萬個基因。 Men shorter than 4.2 feet and women shorter than 3.9 feet are considered dwarfs. 男人矮過 4.2呎,或女性矮過3.9呎被視為侏儒。 White blood cells live in the human body for 2 to 4 days, while red blood cells live up to 3 to 4 months. 白血細胞生活在人體內2至4天,而紅血細胞活到3至4個月。 Every human bends her finger 25 million times in a lifetime. 每個人一生彎曲她的的手指二千五百萬次。 Human heart is equal in size to a human fist. Average weight of an adult’s heart is approximately 0.5lbs. 人體心臟的大小相當於一個人的拳頭,成人的心臟平均體重是約0.5磅。 Human body contains four minerals: apatite, aragonite, calcite, and christobalite. 人體包含有4種礦物:磷灰石,文石,方解石和方英石。 Human brain generates more electric impulses in a day than all telephones of the world combined. 人類大腦在一天產生的電脈衝多過全世界的電話結合起來。 The loss of vision caused by exposure to bright light is called snow blindness. 由暴露在明亮光線下失去的視力被稱為雪盲。 Total weight of bacteria living in the human body is 4.4lbs. 生活在人體的細菌總重量是4.4磅。 Human brain produces 100,000 chemical reactions per second. 人類大腦每秒產生10萬次化學反應。 Babies are born without kneecaps, which form only at the age of 2 to 6. 嬰兒出生時沒有膝蓋,它們只在2至6歲形成。 The area of human lungs’ surface is equal to that of a tennis court. 人類肺部表面的地區是等同於一個網球場。 At birth, a baby’s brain contains 14 billion cells, and this number does not increase till death. On the contrary, after the age of 25 it decreases by 100,000 cells per day. Reading a page of text in a minute kills approximately 70 cells. After the age of 40, the brain degradation is accelerated, and after 50, neurons shrink and brain volume reduces. 出生時,嬰兒的腦包含有140億個細胞,和這數字直至死亡也不會增加。相反,25歲之後它每天減少10萬個細胞。在一分鐘內閱讀一頁文字會殺死約 70個細胞。 在40歲後大腦退化將會加速,和在50歲後,神經元萎縮和腦體積會減少。 The human small intestines are 8.5 feet long during life. After death, when the muscles of the bowel walls relax, it may reach over 19 feet. 人類的小腸在生時是8.5呎長,在死後當肌肉的腸道壁放鬆,它可能長達 19呎以上。 An average human has approximately 2 million of perspiratory glands. An average adult person loses 540 calories with a liter of sweat. Men perspire 40% more than women. 一個人平均有約 200萬排汗腺體,一個普通成年人失去一公升汗水會失去540卡路里,男性比女性多流汗40%以上。 The right lung holds more air than the left one. 右肺比左肺裝有更多的空氣。 An adult person makes approximately 23,000 breaths a day. 一個成年人一天大約呼吸二萬三千次。 In a lifetime, the female body produces 7 million egg cells. 在一生中,女性身體產生 700萬粒卵細胞。 The human eye is capable of differentiating 10,000,000 hues. 人類眼睛能夠區分一千萬種色調。 There are approximately 40,000 bacteria in the human mouth. 大約有四萬株細菌在人的口中。 It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. 它是不可能打噴嚏時眼睛張開。 The human spine contains 33 to 34 spinal bones. 人類脊椎包含33至34塊脊髓骨。 Women blink twice as often as men. 女性眨眼常是男性的兩倍。 The smallest cells in the male body are sperm cells. 男性體內最小的細胞是精子細胞。 The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue. 在人體內最強壯的肌肉是舌頭。 There are approximately 2,000 taste buds in the human body. 大約有2,000味蕾在人體內。 Babies are born with approximately 300 bones, and adults have only 206 bones. 嬰兒出生時大約 有300節骨骼,而成年人只有206節骨頭 Human body contains enough fat to produce seven pieces of soap. 人體含有足夠的脂肪去產生 7塊肥皂。 Nerve impulses in the human body travel with the speed of approximately 90 meters a second. 神經衝動在人體內旅行速度約 1秒90米。 42. 36 800 000 – a number of heartbeats a person experiences in a year. 42, 36 800 000 - 一個心跳數字一個人一年所經驗的。 Men suffer from color blindness 10 times more often than women. 男人比女性患色盲往往多10倍。 Nearly half of all human bones are located in wrists and feet. 接近一半的人體骨骼位於手腕和腳。 When in doubt, medieval doctors diagnosed patients with syphilis. 當有疑問,中世紀的醫生診斷患者有梅毒。 People with blue eyes are more sensitive to pain than others. 藍眼睛的人比別人對痛苦更敏感。 Fingernails grow 4 times faster than toenails. 指甲生長比腳甲快速 4倍。 A person changes her skin approximately 1,000 times in a lifetime. 一個人一生換皮膚大約 1,000次。 There are over 100 viruses causing running nose. 有超過 100種病毒造成流鼻水。 There are nearly 46 miles of nerves in an adult’s body. 有近46哩的神經腺在一個成人身上。 [文章來源] 網路流傳轉寄信件
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